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We do not respond to personal emails and phone calls regarding the status of Five Winds. Below is what we know so far. Keep in mind that this has not yet been confirmed through official sources and that things might change.
Update November 5, 2024 (source Richard Irovsky).
In April 2018, we informed everyone of the ruling of the Constitutional Court in Cape Verde that Atlantic Global Asset Management (AGAM) is completely in order and that an appeal is pointless.
However, impatient people filed 4 new cases years ago, which ultimately led to the full rehabilitation of the company in August 2024.
This decision is final and can no longer be appealed. The ruling confirms the absolute legality of the investment fund AGAM!
Doctor of Law Geraldo Almeida has confirmed the correctness of this information.
Also, all websites of AGAM, Five Winds, etc. were transferred to a new server last month (after the ruling...) and all websites have been given their IP address.
Hopefully, we will soon receive a positive response from the company itself. Remember that we are also just investors and that we have to rely on information that we believe is correct.
March 11, 2024
On March 4, the latest technology was discovered on the (yet unpublished) websites of Agam and Questra. The profile of Agam's office will be updated on March 17.
On March 2, the (not yet published) Five Winds website was updated with the latest technology.
There will be an update about the Lianora Swiss office on March 17. That hadn't been updated since January 2024.
In our opinion, it is hopeful that these messages will be published, but it is still no guarantee that businesses will reopen. We, like everyone else, remain awaiting official notification!
February 27, 2024
Alexander Kästli has copied and posted a message from someone who follows the server-site scripting of, among others, the Five Winds website almost every day. Server-side scripting takes place on the server where the website is hosted and refers to the process of running scripts to generate and deliver dynamic web pages to a user (the reader of a website).
Some changes have been made which indicate that work is still being done behind the scenes on the (re)opening of Five Winds.
- New document standards have been added (possibly indicating contracts for participants?)
- Files for robots have been changed (this probably means the AI robot)
- New widgets have been added (are small applications designed to facilitate access to the most used functions of a device (phone, computer, tablet) It is an application that allows you to see current information at a glance
- Website readiness percentages have changed slightly
- You can also read that there will be another update on March 2, 2024...
Since the programming of a website and the renewal of the domain name can only be arranged by the owners of the website, we can assume from the above that Five Winds is preparing for a reopening.
As soon as we know more or if we can demonstrate the above changes by print screens, we will supplement this message.
Update October 20, 2023
In the Telegram group of Five Winds today there is the text below by Alexander Kästli
published. We cannot verify the content of this text, but we have decided to place it on our website anyway.
And again: we cannot and will not answer questions about this!
Hello dear participants!
A current summary in brief:
• Questra has a safety certificate until March 2, 2024.
• Fivewindsam has had its certificate extended until January 17, 2024.
• The certificate was issued on October 18, 2023.
• Questra opens differently - some have a gray background, some with a stamp, I without a stamp.
• Thanks to a member for the screenshot of his computer - he has the bars.
There were working links in previous posts so you could see the changes for yourself. Going through them, you could see the numbers in the address bar (they may be different). These numbers have 3 meanings:
- the domain is prepared for sale
- the work is in progress
- Mirror to go to the main page
1. When the site is being prepared for sale - why are plug-ins put and removed, change the background and buy a security certificate. So, I'm canceling it for myself.
2. The most pleasing thing remains - the work continues. Judging by the changes, they are progressing at a good pace.
3. It turns out that these are mirrors and we will soon see our sides.
This information was provided by the group of Russian leaders. The first question was how plausible this was. It was said that this information is correct since the sources of this news come from both Naberezhnye Chelny and Moscow. There are people who constantly monitor our condition. The work of IT specialists and programmers is always in demand because they have access to available programs. We are confident about the start of the company. We need patience and even more trust.
December 10, 2022
What about Five Winds? Read our opinion HERE
June 21, 2022 (various sources)
It will not have escaped your notice, the crypto markets, including bitcoin, have fallen sharply in value lately. However, Five Winds probably no longer wants to have anything to do with cryptos or payout in this currency, said Alexander Kästli via his Telegram channel: "We can therefore set aside speculations that the firm will pay out in cryptos...", he continues in this same notice that when a payout follows, it will only be in conjunction with an official bank and in a covered currency.
In short, via the new QFS system.
We learned from another reliable source that The Federal Reserve for the funds of the Republic has issued the payout code to the Wells Fargo group (a bank/paymaster). This info appears to have been provided by Tallarida, former Deputy Chief of Staff, to a company that is in the same 'queue' as Five Winds. This company expects to receive the funds at the end of June/beginning of July and they indicate that they are already cooling the champagne...
(The Fed's Automated Clearinghouse (ACH) payment system provides an electronic means of exchanging debit and credit entries between banks and other deposit-taking institutions to settle customer transactions).
On June 1, the Swift system would be disconnected from the new QFS system, after which banks will be ready for Tier 5 from June 15 (see the explanation of April 3, 2022)
*** Just to be clear, we don't want to give anyone false hope or 'fake' news and nothing has been officially endorsed by the company itself. We are still confident that Five Winds will reopen and, like any other investor, are relieved when there is positive news. Our interpretation of the (limited) available information is therefore no more than that, an interpretation of the available news, no rights can be derived from this in any way.
June 9, 2022 (Source Alexander Kästli)
We have just received confirmation that Five Winds has now prepared everything well for the reopening. Parallel to the regular SWIFT transaction, many international financial QFS test transactions are taking place (by major financial institutions) and all are progressing well.
Alexander has now signed an NDA (Non-Disclosure Agreement). As soon as he is told that this NDA is being implemented, he will have to comply with it. This means that there will be no more announcements for about 3-6 months. We see this as a big step forward because from that moment on the reopening will not be long in coming.
We learned from another source that paymasters have received a code required for payouts, so it looks like things are moving forward.
PLEASE NOTE: Alexander is officially not allowed to make announcements and therefore he indicates that those who can read between the lines can find out what is going on. He also told us in a personal message last month that the company has prepared everything very well and that we have nothing to worry about. In a voice message, he says he has signed an NDA, but as it turns out, apparently not with Five Winds. Anyway, he has been duly given a gag order from Five Winds on pain of being banned from his account.
Personally, we believe that every self-respecting company has a duty of care towards its customers and should therefore inform them personally about what is going on. A simple email from Five Winds stating that we have to be patient because they are waiting for.... is enough to reassure everyone. Such an official email also prevents speculation and unrest.
The only thing we try to do as a good upline is to inform our network as well as possible based on information that we receive (and have often been able to verify).
But since we have to read everything "between the lines", we will have our own interpretation which has been quite accurate so far.
What it actually comes down to is that we try to explain as best as possible why reopening is taking so long.
Until then, everyone will just have to wait for an official message from the company itself.
April 3, 2022
This is an update to let everyone know that we remain confident that Five Winds will reopen once all financial steps (which are beyond the company's control) have been completed.
Without going into too much detail, we can say that the QFS (Quantum Financial System) has now largely replaced the SWIFT system and is now also actively involved in the international monetary circuit.
The QFS is introduced through a series of steps that must be taken.
As of this weekend, T4B is started (see schedule below) and the USD has been converted to USN (U.S.Note) on April 1st.
The diagram below shows which steps have already been taken and which steps still need to be taken before Five Winds can open.
Cleavage in rank where T stands for position/ranking:
T1 = Governments
T2 = Military, those groups that have gathered the RV
T3 = Humanitarian Organizations / Groups and SKRs Groups (Safe Keeping Receipt)
T4 = Internet groups (The people who have currencies, such as eg: the Iraqi dinar, Indian rupee, Vietnamese dong, and others)
T4A = Persons with SKRs, now part of T3
T4B = Individuals, Internet Groups, Currency Holders
T5 = Public
RV = Revaluation = Revaluation of the currency
GCR = Reset Global Currency
SKR = A list of all accounting accounts of a specific group of companies.
USN = United States Note = the new gold-backed US note
NDA = Confidentiality Statement
All these steps have been taken in recent years and while things seem slow for investors, this again shows that progress is being made. Our patience will be rewarded!
February 13, 2022
For those who understand the QFS / CBDC...follow the Central Bank's CBDC status HERE
Update August 20, 2021 (Source Alexander Kästli)
DBS Vickers (DBSV), a division of DBS Bank, has received general approval from the Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) under the Payment Services Act (PS Act) to provide digital token services as a major payment institution. DBSV is one of the few financial institutions to receive such approval. DBSV is working on the necessary follow-up measures to meet the MAS requirements for a permit.
Once the license is granted, DBSV as a member of the DBS Digital Exchange (DDEx) will be able to directly support asset managers and businesses in trading digital pay tokens via DDEx.
The company has confirmed to Alexander several times that everything will be fine and all information, reports, and tips will of course appear after the start and not before the start...!! Alexander also does not know when the company will open.
Our advice: take the above as general background information and wait patiently. We will not respond to personal questions!
Update June 1, 2021 (Source Alexander Kästli. Note: sending personal messages is not allowed!)
QFS (Quantum Financial System) is online!
The QFS is a very important piece of the financial puzzle. Without this, it would never have been possible to start. Now we are anxiously waiting for the company to get in touch. As you have noticed, everything takes a reasonable amount of time. From now on a domino effect will be activated and set in motion one by one in the financial world. Everything we need, what the company needs, is now continuously fulfilled!
So wait patiently for the company to officially speak to you all.
Update March 7, 2021 (Source Alexander Kästli. Note: sending personal messages is not allowed!)
- From launch, the return will be 2.5% per week for 1 year.
- 10% commission is deducted from this.
- Subsequently, at least 50% must be reinvested. This is for building the business
- This measure will be reviewed after 1 year
Update March 3, 2021
Below you will find a short impression from an interview with a very reliable source from which we think we can conclude that it will not take too long before the reopening is a fact...
When do we get finally more news about Questra and Fivewinds/AGAM. We are already in March and don't now anything about the headquarters in Hong Kong and Singapore.
At the moment no one can know anything and it is still as was told that new information will come only at the reboot. No time was also deliberately communicated so that no one has an expectation. It will launch when it can launch. Not before. I can only say this much, that the preparations are going very well. Let's let the company do what they have to do, and it will come out for the best.
So you assure us with your statement that the company still exists under a different name and is preparing to resume its services? Are you really sure about this?
I wouldn't say it if it wasn't.
Not long after this, it was announced that we can prepare ourselves because it will not be long now ...
Although no definitive date has yet been set, it seems inevitable that the waiting will now come to an end in a relatively short period of time and we will all be rewarded for our patience.